6 LTL Shipping Questions to Ask Before Shipping

Less-than-truckload (LTL) shipping services involve their own set of procedures and considerations.  As such, using these services may have you wondering about a few things – How much should I be paying? Did I prepare everything right? Why are LTL shipping blog writers so smart and handsome?

To help alleviate any confusion you may have about LTL freight shipping, we’ve put together a list of essential questions to ask before sending off your package. By working through these questions with each shipment, you can avoid common errors and extra fees to ensure that you’re getting the best shipping experience possible.

1. Do I have the proper packaging?

When it comes to packaging, there are two primary considerations: security and efficiency.

Especially when shipping fragile cargo, secure packaging is essential to protecting your items. Make sure to pack items tightly so they do not shift during the transportation process. Bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and stretch wrap can help with this preparation.

You’ll also want to pack your items efficiently, as packaging can affect the rate you pay for your shipment. The larger and less dense your shipment, the more space it takes up per unit of cargo, and thus the higher the fee you will pay. Therefore, if you can make your freight more compact, you might save some money.

2. How can I track my shipment?

Even if you’re using the best LTL shipper in the world, unexpected problems may arise that delay or misplace a shipment. Tracking your cargo can help minimize the search time, costs, and worry when these issues arise.

Different freight services offer different options for monitoring shipments. Make sure to clarify these options with a carrier before selecting their services.

3. Do I have the correct freight classification?

When shipping with an LTL carrier, the carrier will assign your shipment a freight classification, which helps to determine the rate you will pay. Typically, the lower the classification, the lower the fee.

The classification depends on a variety of factors, most importantly weight and density, but also ease-of-handling, value, and liability. Double-checking all these metrics before shipping is worth your while, given their impact on price.

You can also compare classifications across carriers as a means of double-checking.

4. How are LTL shipping rates calculated?

As mentioned, freight classification plays a significant role in your overall shipping rate. However, the shipping rate also factors in the distance and any additional services needed, like multiple pickups or special handling.

5. Am I using the right carrier?

The “right” carrier depends on your exact needs, whether that means the best price, the best quality, or service in a particular area.

With so many carriers, it’s worth your time to compare different options. FreightClub.com helps users compare carrier rates and determine the best solution for their shipping needs.

6. Will I need documentation?

Virtually all carriers will require a Bill of Lading (BOL), a legal document containing relevant shipping information, freight classification, and any other important instructions.

Ask a question, save a shipment.

It’s always better to ask questions before the problems arise. In fact, asking questions can often help you avoid problems, to begin with, so make sure to check this list before making your next LTL shipment. 

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